NY Clown Training Opportunities


New York Downtown Clown Playground Conditioning for the Physical Performer with Keith Nelson of Bindlestiff Family Circus May 5th 9-10 pm. Come learn excercises that will keep you in top shape. More info: http://www.newyorkdowntownclown.com/workshops.htm

New York Downtown Clown Slapstick Dojo – Every Wed- Info http://www.newyorkdowntownclown.com/workshops.htm

Maestro Antonio Fava Commedia workshop– April 26th, 2008 Register now http://fava.stolenchair.org

Columbus Program for more info or to sign up email columbus_program@hotmail.com

Jef Johnson’s Clown Lab For info visit: www.nyclown.com

Juggling Class with Flying Karamazov Brother Roderick Kimball every Tuesday night. For info, visit http://www.jugglingclasses.com

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