Hilary Chaplain’s Physical Comedy Intensive in NY (April 2,3)
Hilary Chaplain’s Physical Comedy Intensive Apr 2-3

 What makes it funny? What makes it repeatable? How do we approach writing the funny?
These are great questions that any clown should be able to answer about their work. (And even if you can’t answer these questions, you should at the very least be asking them.) Hilary Chaplain will teach another of her intensives that will help you answer these questions about your own work.
I’ve featured Hilary on Clownlink before, and I’m still a big fan of her work.  I have never taken a class with her directly, but I can only imagine she’d be a great teacher.
Here’s a quote from somebody who has taken a workshop and loved it:

Cathy Rose Salit,
CEO and co-founder Performance of a Lifetime
Hilary tours with her award-winning clown show, A Life In Her Day and performs in variety shows worldwide. (She recently was one of the headliners of the Suess show I featured.)
She is a founding member of The NY Goofs and appeared on Broadway in George C. Wolfe’s The Tempest with Patrick Stewart. Hilary is recognized as one of America’s foremost professional physical comediennes performing throughout North and South America and Europe. Revealing the humor in everyday life, she has been called “ferociously talentedâ€.
She is a founding member of The NY Goofs and appeared on Broadway in George C. Wolfe’s The Tempest with Patrick Stewart. Hilary is recognized as one of America’s foremost professional physical comediennes performing throughout North and South America and Europe. Revealing the humor in everyday life, she has been called “ferociously talentedâ€.
Here’s a sample of Hilary performing one of her pieces for a German audience:
[youtube url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4fx3dwkm0I]
 I am pretty sure you will enjoy her class.  (And if you take it, and want to review it in a smart and intelligent way, write up your review and I will publish it as a guest blog!)
Saturday & Sunday, April 2 & 3
Gowanus Art Center
295 Douglass Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
How Much:
$225 ($200 before March 12)
$50 deposit to hold your place in the workshop (refundable until March 21)
More Info:  Hilary Chaplain  hilary@hilarychaplain.com