Julie Goell’s Life In a Clownhouse

julie_goellJulie Goell is a well-known performer and teacher of comedy and physical theatre, (and the wife of renowned Eccentric Avner.)  She has written a book about clowning and performing.  The book, entitled Life In A Clownhouse is part teaching manual, part memoir,  and all about her and Avner’s theories of performance and clowning.

I have taken a couple of classes with Julie and Avner (once at the Celebration Barn and once at MotionFest) and I can attest that they are both great teachers.  Their notes about my work as a clown really sent me off in some interesting directions. I’ve always wanted to spend some more time with them on creating a new show.  This may be the closest I get for a while.  I am really looking forward to reading this book.
I have featured Julie before on Clownlink and have seen a couple of her shows.  Her shows are very inventive and physically creative.

Here’s the promo video for her show CARMEN THE MOPERA



Currently, the book is available only from her husband’s website online.  I expect it will be available on Amazon before long: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE LIFE IN A CLOWNHOUSE

The book is $16.95 plus $5 shipping, US only.  Visit the website if you need international shipping.



Julie Goell headshotJulie Goell has degrees in directing and jazz string bass, and is a certified teacher of Somatic Voicework. She is the creator and performer of two one-woman shows, Woman in a Suitcase, and Opening Night Carmen: A Mopera, both of which have toured worldwide. She recently created and directs PIPs, Peaks Island Puppets, and directs the Maine Singers Atelier. In a career spanning over five decades she has performed and taught throughout Asia, Europe, South America, and the US as a singer, musician, mime, clown, actor, director, designer, commedian, and puppeteer.

To find out more about Julie Goell, visit her website http://www.juliegoell.com

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