The New Pickle Circus Posters
The New Pickle Circus lives on in our hearts (and these posters!)
In the process of doing some much-needed spring cleaning, I have been unearthing some treasures from the vaults (otherwise known as the large series of plastic boxes that move around with me from house to house.)
If you want to read a great book about the original Pickle Family Circus, see if you can find this one on Amazon
I got these posters at a New Pickle Show in San Francisco CA in winter 1995. After the collapse of the Pickle Family Circus on the road in the early 1990’s, the group re-formed under the choreographer/director Tandy Beal‘s direction, and a lot of the same cast members stayed with the show. I think the show ran a couple of more years after that.
As I recall, this show had a lot of great talented people on it, including Jeff Raz, Diane Wasnak, Serenity Smith, Bill Forchion, and a few other people. I think I saw this show at Fort Mason in San Francisco. (I don’t remember why I was in San Francisco in December– possibly visiting my brother and seeing shows.)
These posters are 8.5 x 11, and are black and white, and clearly meant to paper bulletin boards. I love how different they are (each individually, but enough the same that they are of a kind) And cheap to make! And fun to read.
All told, I love these posters, and I’m glad that they’ve continued to make the cut as I move from house to house, from storage space to storage space.
The original Pickle Family Circus has a facebook group.  and Tammy Beal is still making circus related dance.
- The thinking kid’s alternative to Beavis and Butthead.
- Good clean fun without the usual assortment of Zzz’s.
- Tonight’s Forecast: Terrific two-hour tornado of fun and frivolity.
- Terminator X. Rambo XVII. News at 11. (and now for something completely light-hearted.)
- Interactive entertainment that predates Sonic the Hedgehogt, shaq fu, and the mighty morphin’ power rangers
- Return with us now to a time when entertainment didn’t mean two housr of sex, violence, and four-letter words.
- Family entertainment that doesn’t require a frontal lobotomy.
- Jubilation guaranteed for one and all (providing you have a pulse)
- Introduce your kids to a mind-altering experience that won’t land them in Jail.
- A Magnificent Melange of Human Oddities (including you and your lovely family.)
- Embark Upon a Grand and glorious sojourn in search of your long-lost funny-bone
- The New Pickle Circus: Absolutely no Elephant Poop, Bear Poop, or Tiger Poop. (But diapers for your toddlers are recommended.)
- A noticable absence of Boxing Kangaroos, Bears In Tutus, and Tigers On Horseback. (But Plenty of Insanity Just the same)
Hi, Adam,
I managed this project and rebrand for the Pickles. This work was done by the creative team of Tom Witt and Michael Rylander, who I worked with at Hal Riney & Partners in SF. There’s also a TV commercial that Tom and Mike produced that won a prestigious British Design & Art Direction award. Here’s the ad:
Tom and Mike called in favors from throughout the San Francisco Bay Area to turn a $75K grant into over $250K worth of artwork, printing, and video.
Gary Peare, RBBCC ’79; Blue Unit 1980