Collecting Circus Stamps
I am thinking about starting collecting circus stamps. I got an article about circus stamp collecting from my father in law, who is an avid stamp collector. (When you are a clown, people send you all kinds of clown stuff that they find in their everyday life. I like it, although it also means I get a fair amount of cheesy cheesy clown stuff that I could not care 2 figs about. The key to this is to be willing to say no, or to throw away stuff you get, which is hard for an inveterate collector such as myself.)
I am not a circus stamp collector, although I do have quite a large backstock of the circus stamps featured in the article, as well as some Comedians stamps, some of the older circus stamps, and a fair amount of my own stamps. What can I say, I like to make sure that I have enough stamps, just in case I go on a sudden letter-writing binge. Highly unlikely in this day of email. But there you are.
(For a while I was creating promotional stamps via If you can get a good discount on them, I was thinking it was worth it– for a couple of the stamps that I created– I paid .50 for a .42 cent stamp, which seemed to be a worthwhile investment to get my own stamp.) But in the end I printed way too many though, as most of my solicitations are now via email, and I still have tons of my own stamps, and now often have to decide if I want to spend them on the utility company.
I still love having stamps that reflect my interests, and as I started to look, I could understand maybe starting a little circus/clown stamp collection. A quick look at google shows that there are lots of great images, mostly from other countries.
Anyway, the article that started me thinking about clown stamps is below. This article appeared in the most recent issue of Linn’s Stamp News.