February 25: International Commedia Dell’Arte Day

(Thanks to new papa Brian Foley for bringing this to my attention!) He’ll also be performing at the View Theatre, Roy Arias Studios on Feb 25 in celebration.  See the postcard below for details) Associazione SAT has proclaimed February 25, 2010, a worldwide Commedia dell’Arte Day Simultaneous events will occur all around the world as theatre companies, scholars, students, and […]

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Speaking of the Midnight Circus, I nearly forgot that they are doing their annual set of Halloween Free shows in Daley Plaza again this year.  This year the show is called SpookaPalooza! They’ve been doing it all week, so you’ve missed a lot of shows, but there’s 7 shows you can still see.  The cast features a rotating round of […]

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A full on, stuck in the box, walking in place, Marcel Marceau, "Pantomime-Blanche," mime class

A full on, stuck in the box, walking in place, Marcel Marceau, “Pantomime-Blanche,” mime class. Taught by Clown Conservatory grad Jeff Seal. For more about Jeff, visit our previous post about him. http://www.houseofyes.org/events/ Night School: Beginning Pantomime with Jeff Seal! August 25th $5-15 sliding scale donation. 9pm-11pm @ House of Yes This class will give you the basics of “pantomime […]

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Cirque du Soleil Anniversary DVD collection on sale TODAY

If you are like me, you have slowly over time collected Cirque du Soleil videos- mostly either at shows, or if you are cheap like me, you’ve taped them from Bravo (and/or TIVO’d them) Here’s an opportunity to clear up a lot of your TIVO space! On Sale Today NEW for just $58.99! 12 DVD’s of Cirque– that’s around $5 […]

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Commedia at Lincoln Center (July 22-26)

The New York Premiere of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano’s production of Goldoni’s classic work: Trilogia della villeggiatura Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni’s 1761 three-part satire of the Italian middle class was given new life more than 50 years ago by Piccolo Teatro di Milano’s late founder, Giorgio Strehler. With a nod to Strehler and in the spirit of Goldoni, Italian […]

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Jay Stewart & Big Apple Clown Care Unit/Boston

They care enough to clown around | CapeCodOnline.com By CYNTHIA McCORMICK cmccormick@capecodonline.com July 16, 2009 BOSTON – Wearing a big red nose and black clodhopper shoes, Jay Stewart of Harwich bungles his way — on purpose — into rooms at Children’s Hospital Boston. He and fellow Big Apple Circus clown Brian Dwyer are there to entertain young patients recuperating from […]

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Clowns in Style: NY Times article about two clown’s homes

Two Dell’arte Graduates get their house (and their work and their website) featured in the NY Times! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/realestate/05habi.html Habitats The Traveling Circus Stops Here Ruby Washington/The New York Times Christina Gelsone and Seth Bloom, both clowns, rehearse in their apartment By CONSTANCE ROSENBLUM Published: July 2, 2009 CHRISTINA GELSONE, a slender 36-year-old with delicate features and hair the color of […]

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Cirque du soleil stilt walking event June 16, 2009

Stilt-walkers gathering for the 25th anniversary of Cirque du Soleil on June 16, 2009 Five years after setting the first Guinness world record for the most people simultaneously walking on stilts, Cirque du Soleil is inviting its artists and employees of Fortaleza (Brazil), Las Vegas (U.S.A.), Lisbon (Portugal), Macau (China), Montreal (Canada), Nagoya (Japan), New York (U.S.A.), Orlando (U.S.A.) and […]

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